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My housing vision


A housing vision describes a person’s hopes and dreams for where, and with whom they wish to live; as well as other important factors to consider when choosing a place to live. Your vision usually answers the questions Who? What? Where? When? and How? Creating a vision is a key step in creating your housing and support plan. Building on the information from the About me section and My home evaluation tools in your vision, you will further explore your housing dreams, wants and needs. We suggest that you start with dreaming big and not worrying about making it realistic. Approach this as an opportunity to discover what is most important to you, by looking at what your ideal housing dream would look like. Later in the planning process, you will focus more on what is achievable. For example, you may vision a house with a pool, which may not be available. Upon further exploration, you might recognize that what is most important is being able to swim every day. So, perhaps you might look for a place that is close to a community centre that has a pool.

What needs to be in the home?

What do I need for a meaningful and productive day?

What does the surrounding community need to have?

What professional services do I need?