My budget plan
Complete the following form to determine what your budget needs will be.
A) Support needs
For the totals please refer to your completed My Support Needs form in Section 1 of the toolkit.
Grand total of hours required (both paid and unpaid):
Unpaid/Natural support hours per week:
Funded support hours needed per week:
(transfer this number to part D)
B) Funding
What funded support requirements can be (or are already) met by other sources? (LHIN, Current MCSS funded supports, etc.):
Activity | Funding source | Confirmed or possible? |
Funded support hours needed per week minus confirmed funded hours =
total number of hours of funded support still required.
Financement supplémentaire possible pour la recherche :
Funding source | Person responsible | Target date | Result |
C) Housing supports
Dépenses ponctuelles :
Expense | Details | Amount required |
Renovations to physical environment | $ | |
Technology requirements | $ | |
Start up furnishings | $ | |
First and last month rent or down payment | $ | |
Utility connection fees | $ | |
Other | $ | |
How much of the above expenses can be covered by savings, family, fundraising, etc.? | $ | |
Total one time expense requirement | $ |
D) Hourly support costs
Number of weekly hours required:
(from part A)
Qui fournira le soutien ?
Source | # of hours | Hourly rate | Total cost |
Independently hired contractors | $ | $ | |
Worker employed directly by plan holder | $ | $ | |
Worker employed directly by plan holder family | $ | $ | |
Worker agency employed | $ | $ | |
Incorporated microboard/Aroha/Community circle employed | $ | $ | |
Other (be specific) | $ | $ | |
Grand totals | $ | $ |
Total hourly support costs x 4.33 =
monthly hourly support costs (transfer this number to part F)
E) Financial resources available
Resource | Monthly amount |
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) | $ |
Old Age Security (OAS) | $ |
Income from employment | $ |
Registered Disability Savings Account (RDSA) | $ |
Insurance | $ |
Passport funding | $ |
Direct funding program (MoH) | $ |
Individualized funding (MCCSS) | $ |
Funds held in trust | $ |
Other | $ |
Grand total resource dollars | $ |
F) Expense report (amount required)
Type of housing chosen for plan | |
Rationale |
Expenses for housing | Amount |
Rent/Mortgage/etc. | $ |
Heat | $ |
Electricity | $ |
Phone/Internet/Cable TV | $ |
Water/Sewer | $ |
Cell phone | $ |
Food/Grocery | $ |
Insurance | $ |
Technology subscriptions | $ |
Monthly hourly support costs (from part D) | $ |
Other (include entertainment, clothing, gifts, hair, courses, etc.) | $ |
Grand total expenses | $ |
G) Financial summary
Grand total resource dollars (from part E) | $ |
Grand total expenses (from part F) | $ |
Remaining amount/or shortage (E minus F) | $ |
One time expenses required (from part C) | $ |